Go DuckDuckGo Scraper

This is a simple command-line web scraper written in Go that scrapes search results from DuckDuckGo.


  • Search for a specified term on DuckDuckGo.
  • Customize the number of search results to retrieve.
  • Save the search results to a text file.
  • Automatically generate a User-Agent header for HTTP requests.
  1. Run the program:

    ./duckduckgo-web-scraper -search "your search term" -count 10

    Replace "your search term" with the term you want to search for and -count with the number of search results you want to retrieve (default is 10).


  • search or -s: Specify the search term.

  • user-agent: Customize the User-Agent string for HTTP requests (optional).

  • output: Specify the output file name (optional). By default, it's named after the search term.

  • count: Specify the number of search results to retrieve (default is 10).