26Sentinel-2Python REST API that exposes two endpoints that interact with Sentinel-2 satellite images.Read more →
ImageGoDracula APIAPI that converts images to the Dracula color palette. The project consists of a Flask API that uses the ImageGoNord library to convert uploaded images to the Dracula color palette.
AWS EC2 GatherallThis CLI tool allows you to query AWS EC2 instances based on IP range and instance name using command-line arguments.
Apigee Cassandra log scriptThis script is designed to interact with Cassandra instances running within a Apigee Hybrid Kubernetes cluster. It utilizes nodetool, a command-line utility for managing a Cassandra cluster, to execute a series of diagnostic commands on all Cassandra pods matching a specific label within a given namespace.
Go DuckDuckGo ScraperThis is a simple command-line web scraper written in Go that scrapes search results from DuckDuckGo.
Parsero GoParsero is a free script written in Golang which reads the Robots.txt file of a web server and looks at the Disallow entries. The Disallow entries tell the search engines what directories or files hosted on a web server mustn't be indexed.
Go JWEmicroservice for generating and verifying JSON Web Encryption (JWE) and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) using RSA encryption.
Python Remote Chrome history uploaderChrome History Uploader is a simple Python project that enables you to export your Chrome browsing history to a CSV file and upload it to a remote server.
Golang file integrity SHA-256 CheckerA simple tool to monitor and verify the integrity of files in a directory using SHA-256 hashes.
Go Toralizergo-toralizer is a CLI tool to run commands through the Tor network. It ensures your commands are executed with the anonymity provided by Tor.
LeetCodeLeetcode is a platform for preparing technical coding interviews. It has a large collection of algorithm problems, and supports online code editor with syntax highlighting and real-time code execution.
Golang API GatewayGolang API gateway that incorporates Rate Limiting using redis and JWT authentication.
Go Coupon Service APICoupon Service is a Go-based microservice that leverages the GIN framework to provide RESTful APIs for creating, applying, and retrieving coupons to a basket. It also supports easy deployment via Docker.
Go MongoDB JWT Auth ServiceThis project is a simple Dockerized REST API that demonstrates how to implement user authentication using Go, MongoDB, and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
Go websocket Chat ServiceThis is a simple chat app built with Go and WebSocket. It allows multiple users to join a chat room and send messages to each other in real time.